Saving Green with Green Upgrades
Sometimes, it ain’t easy bein’ green, but other times, like when you’re trying to outfit your house with money and…
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The Rise of Voice Assistants: Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant
Having a personal assistant is great. You have someone to set your appointments, find directions to your next meeting, even…
When Your Home’s In the Cloud: The Internet of Things
Cruising the aisles of your favorite home improvement store, you spot it. Its tall, curvy profile is unmistakable, the glamorous…
Video Doorbells: Say Hello to Your Virtual Doorman
Everywhere you look, new smart home technology seems to be popping up. Security cameras that can tell friend from foe…
Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe: WiFi Security for Beginners
Every morning, you ask your digital assistant for the news and weather while you’re getting ready for work. From there,…